Why is the 'sunshine vitamin' so important for our daily wellbeing? Experts have recommended for a number of years now that, as well as the popular winter vitamin – Vitamin C, everyone can benefit from taking a Vitamin D supplement.
Protein is a valuable addition to any diet, with some surprising benefits. Vitamins such asVitamin A, C and Ehave always been considered the most important nutrients for glowing skin, shiny hair and strong nails, but did you know that protein plays an equally important role in ensuring that you stay feeling and looking in tip-top condition?
In these unusual times, the spotlight has naturally fallen on nutrients involved in supporting a robust immune system. Expert Nutritionist, Ian Marber, explains vitamin D3's role in boosting our immunity to viruses.
What is collagen? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It gives skin and joints their strength and elasticity. As we age, our bodies are less able maintain collagen levels. Science suggest that collagen levels may drop by as much as one to two per cent every year in post-menopausal women.
We don’t think about it much but we live happily and symbiotically with trillions of bacteria every day. These bacteria are generally referred to as the human microbiome. The fine balance between these friendly and other disease-causing bacteria helps to keep us well.
January is a notorious energy-sapper so it’s not surprising that at this time of year, we find ourselves searching for small changes we can make to improve our energy levels to keep us on track. In part one of his Winter Energy Series, Ian Marber walks us through the fundamentals of Energy Metabolism.
Energy is extremely important and can be easily overlooked. In part two of his Winter Energy Series, Ian Marber walks us through the process of including small influences to our diets and exercise levels.
Menopause is a natural transition but some women find this change harder than others, both physically and mentally. Ensuring your nutritional needs are met with a healthy and balanced diet and exercise, can go a long way to managing your change your way.
We all know what it feels like to walk into a room, our mind go blank and to completely forget why we’re there! Forgetfulness is normal and can be nothing more than a mild annoyance but it may also be a sign of something more worrisome, especially if forgetfulness becomes more frequent.
In the previous posts about energy, we looked at a few of the some of the multitude of nutrients involved in the production of energy as well as a way of combining food groups to maintain energy levels.